If you read the post about "
Cha Ca La Vong", I'll give you recipe of this dish for you to cook at home without having to go far. Of course, the flavor will be different. You have not read, it's alright!!! you can cook. You are still reading? Okay, start now.
- Fish:2 kg, I use snake head, the bigger, the more delicious.
- Green onion:100g
- Dill: 50g
- Turmeric powder :50g
- Ginger(cut into fiber):50
- Chopped garlic: 50
- Fish sauce: 2 teaspoons
- Shrimp sauce: 4 teaspoons
- Brewed rice : half of a cup
- Monosodium glutamate: 2teaspoons
- Chopped chili: 30g
- Roasted peanut: 1 small plate
- Pickle: 1 small bowl
- Galangal juice: half of a cup
- Take bone out, get meat, cut fish meat into square pieces, slice fish meat.
- Marinate fish meat with turmeric powder, ginger, chopped garlic, fish sauce, shrimp sauce, brewed rice, monosodium glutamate, chopped chili, galangal juice.
- Sweep marinated mixture on fish and grill them.
- Fry fish with oil or fat of animal, put green onion, dill and stir them.
This dish is served with bun (rice noodle), shrimp sauce, roasted peanut and pickle. Good luck! Enjoy!.
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