Let's come to Quang Binh and eat crisp shrimp pastry. I am sure when you'll excited with this dish because the its shape and color will surprise you. With the creation of the flavor, this cake has become a famous dish in Quang Binh.
Its ingredients are not special but when normal things are mixed together, they create a difference. They include: cassava flour, shrimp, mushroom and spices. Shrimp is used from estuarine because it has moderate flavor. Cassava flour after being filtered, it is boiled until see throughout the outer layer, the filling inside is still white. They knead white part with the other part, this is the most sophisticated step of the maker.
Each cake contains a shrimp, a few meat, spices and it is wrapped into semicircle. It can be embedded into hot water or wrapped in banana leaf to cure. You can leave this cake many days without losing its flavor. Special, right?. It is served with spicy fish sauce of Quang Binh, which makes you eat once, you can remeber forever.
You can watch this video to have a vivid look about this cake.
You want to do this cake at home, right now, you can get the
recipe here
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