MOCST had 1214/QD-BVHTTDL Decision on the establishment of Festival Organizing Committee of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the South Khmer 6th, Hau Giang province in 2014.
According to the decision , the Organizing Committee has 14 members by Khoa Nguyen Lien - Provincial Standing Committee - Vice Chairman of Hau Giang - Head of the Organizing Committee ; Le Van Hung - Rights Department works south - MOCST - Standing Vice Chairman ; Mr. Hoang Duc Hau - Department Cultural - MOCST - Vice Chairman ; Son Pham Ha - Deputy Director of MOCST Hau Giang - Vice Chairman and Commissioner .
The decision also stated , Festival Organizing Committee is responsible for developing and implementing plans to hold Festival of Culture , Sports and Tourism of the Khmer South 6th 2014 in Hau Giang Province after the Steering Committee agreed .
Head of the Organizing Committee is responsible for the organization and administration of general operations of the Organizing Committee and assign tasks to the members of the Organizing Committee .
The members of the Organizing Committee is responsible for performing the tasks assigned to coordinate complete festival organized plan .
This Decision shall take effect from the date of signing . Festival Organizing Committee of Culture , Sports and Tourism, the South Khmer 6th in Hau Giang province in 2014 after the dissolution order to complete the task .
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